Rapier part 3: UV unwrapping

Well here we are again. I’m finally up to unwrapping the sword. So, the first thing I really thought about was how I could unwrap the pieces of the sword economically. After all, there isn’t really a lot of room to make the pieces huge. As I have opted to using photographic sources to help create my texture for the rapier, I will have to keep an eye on the stretching.

Blade UV

I decided to split the blade into two as the textures will be slightly different.  After that I began working on the uv’s for the pommel, and then eventually the rest of the sword.

Perhaps the greatest challenge was unwrapping the pommel, which provided to be somewhat of a pain. I was unsure about the best way to unwrap such a strange shape. In the end I kept it as one piece. There is some definite stretching still to rectify.

UV template

This is the finished uv map of the rapier.

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