Making a 3D asset Part 1: Researching the Rapier

This post marks the first of a few revolving around my next project, which will be an attempt at creating a 3D asset for a game. The next few posts will be comprised of my journey through the 3D pipeline from start to finish as I slowly build my chosen model, a rapier. I will be posting updates about my progress, and hopefully everything will turn out okay!

Starting with research today, I welcome you to:


The first step I took was to gather a variety of reference images. I went looking for high quality images taken from many different angles to help me later on with modelling.

Degen_by_Wendelin_BoeheimSwrod reference 3blade reference

I also took the liberty of labelling the individual parts of the blade for later on when I may need to make reference to them.

blade reference label jpgSwrod reference 33jpg

From what I can gather, I can see that the parts that will give me the most trouble and take the most time to complete are the pommel, grip and hilt, purely and simply because they appear to have the most detail of the entire object.

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